Progress Update / News / T4C Development

T4C Development

Follow the development of T4C, an exciting online game by Dialsoft. Stay updated on the latest updates, features, and events related to T4C.

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#1 2024-04-14 09:54:09

Windows 10Chrome 124.0

Progress Update

Three weeks ago, we informed you of a 15-day extension for client testing. We have successfully met this deadline, as one week ago, we initiated the tests with a larger team of testers.

This team has fully committed to their work and has identified bugs, thereby contributing to the enhancement of the product quality.

As I write these lines, there are still some minor corrections to be made to the DDAs, as well as the most concerning issue: the infamous black screen. The random nature of this bug, along with the difficulty in reproducing it, makes the debugging process very complex. The team is fully focused on this matter. We do not want to repeat past mistakes and prefer to address known issues before seeking validation from Dialsoft for the client release.

The bugs that will persist at the moment are those related to the server, which will be the team's next priority. However, before making any server code changes, we need to ensure that all server operating teams can continue to function with the work we are undertaking. We will dedicate time to assist the teams in this migration without hindering their development.

We will strive to keep you informed more regularly about the progress of the various projects.


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